In the Vineyard

Cultivation techniques

Azienda Agricola Spinetta di Monti e Altri S.S. Azienda Agricola Spinetta di Monti e Altri S.S. Azienda Agricola Spinetta di Monti e Altri S.S. Azienda Agricola Spinetta di Monti e Altri S.S. Azienda Agricola Spinetta di Monti e Altri S.S. Azienda Agricola Spinetta di Monti e Altri S.S.

Among the rows, the ancient technique of the seeding of the favino (system called “sovescio”) is adopted. When the favino is in full flowering (at the beginning of May), it is cut up and dug in under the ground. As a consequence the product comes to a natural maceration, and the soil can get a completely natural nitrogenous fertilizing. In this way additional chemical fertilizing to the ground is avoided.

The fitosanitaris treatments in the vineyards are performed with the use of “Arcobaleno” (tunnel sprayer BERTONI), that represents the most advanced technological example to get the lowest values of ecological pollution in agriculture: this method allows to save up to 60% of the product sprayed during the same treatment.

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